Surf Expo Orlando. Learn To Wakeboard, and Learn To Kiteboard. Wakeboard Training, and Kiteboarding Lessons can be a lot of fun. My videos can help you get in shape to be able to enjoy these sports, and more.
Friday, September 11 was a fascinating day and beyond that a day that is proving to be most fruitful. I met lots of interesting people and I found several products that struck my fancy.
Let’s start at the beginning; my host was a most delightful fellow. He invited me to the shindig and put me up in his hotel; the digs were good. Our roommate was Craig B. Snyder who was hawking his beautiful new book: A Secret History Of The Olllie. A 900+ page extravaganza; this brand-new book has won national awards. It contains mountains of interesting text and over 1200 images and photos many of which have never been seen. Of course I purchased an autographed copy.
The fellow who invited me, Michael Brooke, owns a publishing company. He produces beautiful magazines which are sold around the world. His publication Concrete Wave is a beautiful piece of work. And as a host he can’t be beat, he gave me a good place to sleep and fed me breakfast. We spent hours together talking – solving the problems of the planet. Smile. We had a great time. The two of us have some big plans for mutual endeavors in the future. Simpatico best describes us. The Surf Expo Orlando is going to be fun.
The room containing the show was gargantuan – resembling an airplane hangar. There were hundreds of exhibitors. The room was filled with beautiful women and totally buff young men.
I do product reviews and I found several for me to test with my camera crew producing videos for the Internet and advertising.
I met some people who are interested in helping me get my message out: I am making the world a healthier and happier place through my – Never Leave The Playground program. I am also making the world a more beautiful place.
Also because of attending Surf Expo Orlando 2015 I have decided to learn to wakeboard and kite board in my 75th year. How about that? Many of you know how crucial I feel it is to keep moving. It is the secret to life. The Surf Expo Orlando is going to be fun.

Are you trying to learn to wakeboard ,or to learn to kiteboard? Wakeboard training, and kiteboarding lessons can be a lot of fun. They can contribute to a healthy lifestyle. My program can also contribute to a better life through play. My Pottery Videos are located here.
Stephen Jepson