some of my fun activities ~ Learn How to Juggle & Learn How To Ride A Unicycle

Stephen Jepson's

Newly Completed Massive Jungle Gym

An 80-year-old Stephen Jepson demonstrates the use of his Newly Completed Massive Jungle Gym.  This project may be the perfect stay at home project during the COVID-19 pandemic, or anytime.

Stephen Jepson Juggling in Iowa

Stephen Jepson is

Juggling all over the Country

Keep From Falling. Where am I Juggling? Train My Feet & Hands Video. A Sharper You & A Healthier Body Can Start Now with My Video Programs for Better Health.

See Our Reviews On

Stephen Jepson Anchor Point Training

Stephen Jepson is

Anchor Point Training

Stephen talks about, and reviews his newly acquired “Anchor Point Training” from  This is another perfect covid-19 stay at home activity.

Stephen Jepson is balancing balls on a bongo board

Stephen Jepson is

Balancing with balls on a bongo board

A delightful way to train your hands and feet to be quicker and more accurate. This will do it without fail. Go slow – get better at each step along the way and maybe someday you will be doing both hands while balancing on the bongo board.

Stephen Jepson is Setting a Jumping Course on The Playground

Stephen Jepson is

Setup a Jumping Course on Your Playground!

Stephen Jepson shows you how to setup a jumping course on your playground! Demonstrating one of his latest creations:a fun, fast, and easy way to train your feet to be quick and accurate.Using inexpensive and easy to acquire materials.

See Our Reviews On

Juggling - unicycling - knife throwing

You Can Learn How to Juggle Correctly For Beginners & Advanced.  You Can Learn  Unicycling, Knife Throwing & Knife Throwing Classes, and Tight Rope Walking. Learn How To Ride A Unicycle.  With My Video, You Can Master the Fun!

I enjoy juggling, unicycling, knife throwing, balancing on a loose rope, and tight rope walking.

I have instructional videos on these subjects.

Where Is Stephen Juggling?

Stephen Playing & Juggling To Improve Stability

I have enjoyed many activities over the years

You can learn to juggle online with my 5 in one video. Many people have learned how to juggle correctly with my program. If you were thinking about learning how to ride a unicycle, you’ve come to the perfect place. My video will instruct you on many things. My video even features knife throwing classes.

5 Star Reviews

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The Events area

of my website features some of my travels around the world, speaking engagements, and just plain old fun.

Worldwide events

Fun and exciting events

Europe – Asia – The Americas

and more exiting places…

My events have been both exciting and rewarding

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