The Kolding Design School in Kolding Denmark & The University of Copenhagen near by. You Can Improve Your Memory & Become More Creative with My Program. Start to Grow New Brain Cells right away.

Author: Stephen Jepson
Location: Kolding Denmark Designcamp Kolding Design School
Date: November 2013
The Kolding Design School in Kolding Denmark & The University of Copenhagen near by. You Can Improve Your Memory & Become More Creative with My Program. Start to Grow New Brain Cells right away.
Stephen Jepson is here at Billund, Kolding Denmark international headquarters of Lego Toys with a group from the 20th International Designcamp –Kolding Design School where he is a guest teacher and official Play Inspirator for the event. He is having a wonderful time at this prestigious event. He seems to always have his juggling clubs with him these days. November 2013.

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I am sharing with the audience my method for motor skill training which includes training the right and left hands and right and left feet. My games and playings contribute to the brain growing new cells which offsets the normal deterioration of aging. The response to my presentation was extremely positive. I received two standing ovations while presenting the ideas. Never Leave The Playground’s games and playings are a cure for many things.

Here I am at the entrance to the Kolding School Of Design in Kolding, Denmark. Last Monday, November 4th,2013 I presented to the conference here at the school and the response was so positive that they are having me do a repeat performance for the entire school. There are not enough seats in the auditorium for everyone! Two days ago I spoke and I received two standing ovations! The attendees loved it. It was extremely gratifying to me to have people respond so positively. Over and over people have come to me and said my presentation was the finest here at this International Design Camp 2013.

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