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Yelp Reviews
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Ido Portal writes:
The incredible Stephen Jepson, the man who never left the playground…
lectured in the Movement Camp tonight. No one that attended this lecture will ever be the same again.
What an inspiration! What a role model!
Going to sleep tonight with many thoughts of humanity and how much we can do with movement for our loved ones, friends, ourselves, and for every human being on this planet.
Thank you Stephen.
I will never leave the playground again!
Thanks again for your great lecture, for coming from far, and for delivering inspiration, friendship, and a powerful message.
Bedros Keuilian
Ido Portal

FBS writes:
Stephen Jepson was a vibrant, refreshing, and entirely unique addition…
to our event. His presentation was equal parts hilarious and informative. A message that couldn’t be more relevant in our current age of sedentary lifestyles. He told our audience about the importance of brain health, strategies for keeping the brain healthy, and the secret to healthful aging.
Our audience adored Stephen Jepson, discussing and laughing about his presentation well after the conclusion of our event. He was easy to work with, and we encounter no issues. Stephen coordinated his presentation with the overall theme of our event.
I would recommend Stephen Jepson’s presentation to anyone looking for an upbeat, and relevant discussion about the current state of our nation’s health.
Fitness Business Summit

Hasse Højland from Kolding School of Design writes:
It was my great pleasure to bring Stephen Jepson to our Danish School of Design in Kolding Denmark
for the Yearly Design Camp 2013. The theme for the 2 week long camp was Play to Design. Stephen gave two presentations for the international students. He Talked about and showing his thoughts and ideas behind his mission, Never leave the Playground. Stephen’s presentation was a blast!!
The times we live in are very comfortable and for most of us food is plentiful and within arm’s reach. Everywhere – everyday!
As much food as we want and definitely much more food than we need. We don’t even have to move much to get it. It’s a tough job to talk to young people concerning the urgency of the health consequences of this issue. To convince them of the importance of movement, body training, and exercise. Stephen got the message clearly through. Telling his stories and showing his toys and playful training tools mixed with his deep insights and personal experiences was fantastic.
Improve Health Videos Reviewed...
With his wonderful, passionate, and personal authority Stephen won every person in the room over and received standing ovations from the crowd! They got it and I am sure it was a life changing speech for many of them. And a start for change . . .
I highly recommend Stephen Jepson as a speaker and a motivator. He is a living inspiration and model to learn from. Full of joy, happiness, and play.
Now get moving!
Hasse Hoejlan
Project Manager
Kolding School of Design

Karen Bohn from Greenways Foundation writes:
I hired Stephen Jepson to be the keynote speaker at the annual meeting of Greenways of Indiana
his presentation was enlightening, informative, inspiring and entertaining. The information provided about how we have gotten to where we are and our natural body and how it has changed was very informative. Stephen held the attention of the audience with the information he shared and with his demonstrations of how each person can make changes to their own lifestyle and be successful.
Our audience loved him and I would not hesitate to recommend him as a presenter. His “Never Leave The Playground” concept is quite wonderful.
Karen Bohn
Executive Director Greenways Foundation
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