How To Fix Childhood Maladies? - Play as if your life depends on it!
Computer games to fix various childhood maladies? I don’t think so.
I heard on NPR this morning that somebody somewhere is talking about getting computer games FDA approved to fix myriad childhood maladies.

All computer games do is teach someone to get better at that computer game.
These people are obviously not familiar with the work of Dr. John Ratey and his book “Spark”, Frank Forencich and his book “Play As If Your Life Depends On It”, Dr. Joan Vernikos and her book “Sitting Kills – Moving Heals”… To have young children sit still for long periods of time approximates torture for them.
I know. It is using our bodies in ways that are similar to ways we learned to move for hundreds of thousands of years that is important to our health. We evolved to become expert hunter gatherers – foragers. It is that kind of motor skill training that enriched our ancient ancestors brains and bodies. That is what we need to be doing today. Not sitting looking at a computer screen.
Things like luminosity teach you to do luminosity well.
That’s it. I think people pushing these kind of things, this kind of training are hoaxing the world. It has very little to do with enriching the brain and body the way motor skills training does.
My Never Leave The Playground program does exactly what needs to be done to contribute to both children’s and adult’s health for a lifetime.
75-year-old Stephen Jepson playing with children on a merry-go-round – who is having the most fun here?
Play As If Your Life Depends On It!
75-year-old Stephen Jepson playing with children on a merry-go-round – who is having the most fun here?
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